Since its creation, the Foundation has been committed to the fulfilment and dissemination of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically with:.
– Working to ensure that all children receive the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to promote sustainable environmental development.
– Higher education and specialization in volcanology for local scientists.
– Strengthen children’s response to climate change and volcanic eruption disasters.
– Increase the resilience of local populations and thus reduce the level of risk to volcanic events.
– Study the consequences of volcanic disaster risk on global warming.
– To raise awareness of the biological and cultural diversity of volcanic ecosystems so that new generations can ensure their conservation.
This is based on the Sendai Framework.
Currently, we do not have an understanding of the risk of volcanic disasters in all their dimensions of vulnerability, capacity, exposure of people and assets, hazard characteristics and the environment.
It is necessary to encourage collaboration and partnership for the proper governance of volcanic disaster risk at national, regional and global levels.
We must promote public and private investment in disaster risk prevention and reduction through structural and non-structural measures to improve the economic, social, health and cultural resilience of people, communities, countries and their assets, as well. As the environment.
There is a need to define and monitor the correct preparation for disaster response. Implement measures in anticipation of events and ensure that there are capacities for effective response and recovery at all levels.
We cannot stop a volcanic eruption but by building knowledge through surveillance and education we can reduce its impact on volcanic ecosystems and local communities.
The targets focus on substantial changes:
Reduce :
Increase :
Want to know more about Volcano Active Foundation? Download our corporate presentation
Report on activities carried out during 2019:
Report on activities carried out during 2020: