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Prevention is life.
If you agree with us, help us to keep going with your donation.
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Together we can prevent risk
To reduce the impact of disasters on people, livelihoods and national reserves, governments need to consider how to identify and reduce the underlying risk factors. Disaster risk funds, as well as other financial and insurance solutions for disaster risk, contribute to risk reduction by helping governments address hazards that cannot be mitigated. They also help to ensure that risk management takes a proactive approach, focusing on advance planning of financial responses, rather than relying on post-disaster recovery initiatives.
The report shows that the success of disaster risk funds depends on political commitment, donor support, good operational design and financial sustainability.
Did you know that you can recover
up to 80% of your donations?
The first €150 you donate will be 80% tax-deductible and from €150 onwards will be 35% tax-deductible. In addition, if you have been helping disaster prevention with Volcano Foundation for more than 3 years with your donations, your tax deduction in this last bracket increases up to 40%.
For example, contributing 250€ per year:
The first €150
Starting at 150€.
Total tax credit
Tax credits